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"What Is A Live Rock For A Fish Aquarium?" And Other Questions

When you start out with a saltwater aquarium, it will be such a learning experience. From the water that you fill the tank with to the fish that you choose, every little thing has to be carefully researched and understood before it goes in. At some point, it will likely be recommended to you that you get a live rock, which may conjure up images of some kind of slow-moving stone creature with legs. Here is a look at what you need to know about live rocks.

Is live rock actually alive?

Live rock itself is not actually alive, but the things that live on the rock are actually alive. Calcareous organisms, live bacteria, and microscopic marine life can be living on and in the rock structure. Even using the term "rock" is questionable to describe what you are getting if you buy a quality piece because the material is actually something more akin to a fossil, such as fossilized coral or aragonite. 

Why would you need live rock in your aquarium?

Placing live rock in a saltwater aquarium can help to support a good ecosystem in the tank. One of the things that saltwater aquarium owners struggle with is maintaining a good level of good bacteria and small microscopic organisms that help eat up waste and small particles in the tank. These rocks, when they are harvested and placed in an aquarium can bring about those important elements. 

Where does live rock actually come from?

Live rock is taken directly from saltwater water bodies in places like Fiji and the Caribbean. It must be harvested from areas where there is an abundance of reefs, and it can only be taken in small quantities to prevent harming the ecosystem of the reef area. You can usually learn where the rock came from based on what it is called. For example, Tonga live rock is going to come from Tonga. 

How is live rock different from base rock?

Live rock is actually still very much alive with organisms and healthy bacteria, but base rock is not. Base rock is used primarily to fill the bottom of an aquarium or to provide nesting or hiding areas for the fish and animals in the aquarium. Therefore, base rock is an important part of an aquarium, but it is not quite as important as live rock because it does not offer anywhere near the same level of benefits. 

Contact a store that has live rock for sale to learn more.
