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Doody And Diet: How To Make Cleaning Up After Your Dog Easier

A dog can be like a child in many ways, although you won't have much luck potty training your pooch. No matter how well-trained, well-behaved, and generally good your dog is, you'll be cleaning up their poop from puppyhood all the way through to their golden years. What you feed your dog can play a huge role in how easy it is to clean up after them.

Childhood Memories

When thinking about how much a dog's diet can affect their poop, cast your mind back to childhood. Adults of a certain age will remember seeing dried white dog poop on the sidewalk. You don't really see that anymore, do you? This is because it used to be common to add pulverized bone to dog food as a filler ingredient.

Excess Calcium

Although this bone meal didn't harm dogs, it wasn't the healthiest option. It was too rich in calcium, and dogs had trouble processing this amount of the mineral. Excess calcium passed through the dog's digestive system and was excreted. The reason why white dog poop used to be such a common sight was that this was highly calcified dog poop. The composition of commercial dog food has changed in the subsequent decades, although not always for the better. 

Fiber From Grains

Instead of having an excessive amount of calcium, commercial dog food now has an increased fiber content. But wouldn't this be a good thing for your dog's digestion? Not necessarily. It depends on the type of fiber. Some dog foods may use grains as their primary form of protein, and this isn't so great for your dog's digestion, despite the fact that many grains are, in themselves, a good source of fiber. If your dog regularly produces messy poops, the imbalance in its diet may be a factor. 

An Enriched Diet

You might think that these messy poops are simply normal excretions for your dog, but this isn't necessarily so. Upgrading their food to superfood-enriched dog food can make a huge difference to their overall health, and indeed, the health of their poops. Your dog's excrement may be more compacted, reflecting a healthier consistency of the waste product. This compaction and consistency make it far easier to clean up. These dog foods are considered a raw diet and use meat as their primary source of protein. Additional fiber content comes from added fruits and vegetables, and grains are generally excluded.

Your dog is going to be far more enthusiastic about superfood-enriched dog food than anything you might pick up at the supermarket. And while you might not be enthusiastic about cleaning up after them, you'll certainly find it easier.  

For more information, contact a local company like Supreme Source Pet.
