Shopping for Christmas Gifts for Your Pets

What Reptiles Can You Buy for a Small Tank?

There are so many different reptiles you can keep as pets. When choosing between them, it is really important to consider tank size. After all, some reptiles need substantially sized enclosures in order to be kept well, and you may not want a tank that takes up half your living room! If you do want to stick with a smaller tank, here are some reptiles to consider buying. All of these reptiles can thrive in smaller dwellings.

House Geckos

These little geckos are known for their calm, friendly personalities. They are nocturnal, which means they're most awake and active at night, and they're pretty low-maintenance as far as reptiles are concerned. They do best in a warm, humid enclosure, but they don't need a lot of space. House geckos can eat mealworms, crickets, fruit flies, and other insects, and they only need to eat every other day. Most will eat dead mealworms and insects, which makes them a good reptile for those who are more squeamish and don't want to feed their lizards live prey.


Anoles are small, green lizards with pointed noses and prominent eyes. They are native to the Caribbean but commonly sold as pets in the United States. These tiny lizards can live in small tanks as long as they have foliage for shelter. They eat mealworms, grubs, maggots, and crickets, and they do often prefer live prey. Anoles tend to be docile, but a bit aloof in terms of their personality.

Pygmy Chameleon

Pygmy chameleons are really unique reptiles. They have a hump-backed body shape, along with "saggy" bellies. You won't see them as often as geckos or anoles, but some pet shops and reptile vendors do sell them. Pygmy chameleons are not long-lived and typically only live for a few years. They can live in a small tank, but they do require lots of plants in their tank as they are natural forest dwellers.

Rosy Boa

If you'd rather have a snake than a lizard, then the rosy boa is a species to look for. These tiny snakes are rose-brown in color. They can live in small tanks as they are not very active. Rosy boas are often considered one of the most friendly snake species. They do need to eat mice and other small prey, however, which can be a turnoff for some owners.

If you want to keep your pet in a small tank, look for one of the above reptiles for sale. They can all thrive in spite of a lack of spaciousness.
